the motoring directory
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Link to The Motoring Directory

The link options below can be incorporated into any web page.  Choose one and highlight and Copy [Keyboard Ctrl + C] all of the code that appears in the box directly beneath it.  Go to your web page editor and page, placing your mouse where you want the link to appear.  Paste into your web page [Keyboard Ctrl + V].  Some web page editors (FrontPage) require the code to be inserted in Source/HTML view or it treats the code as text instead of HTML.

Good luck!

Text Links

Type 1

The Motoring Directory

Type 2 (with description)

The Motoring Directory - The world home of motoring and automotive links.


The Motoring Directory - The world home of motoring and automotive links.

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If you would like assistance with this code, forward the details here 

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